Refresh Your Journey In Islam

If you're here, you might be navigating life as a Muslim, searching for peace in a world that can often feel overwhelming. It's one thing to know that Islam brings peace, and quite another to embody it. Establishing a balanced and fulfilling life that aligns with the teachings of Allah ﷺ can be challenging, especially when trying to determine what to do, what to look for, and what to emphasize, all while caught up in the fast pace of everyday routines. What we really need is a reminder of the essence of what truly nourishes our soul. As part of our mission to support you in becoming stronger Muslims, we have created a guide that helps you reevaluate the essential components that nourish our nafs (soul).

Remember, while it may seem like a daunting task, "Balance is S.I.M.P.L.E."

Spirituality – Intuition of your Spirit and Connection with Allah ﷺ

Iman – The Influence of the Six Pillars of Iman on Your Everyday Life

Muhammad – Knowledge of and Love for Prophet Muhammad

Practice – The Application of Your Beliefs: Prayer and Discipline

Love – Compassion and Care for Your Family and Community

Ethics – Adherence to Islamic Moral Principles

Balance Is S.I.M.P.L.E.

Consider these six components as vital components that you need for your nafs (soul) to be in complete health. The same way one needs food, water, shelter, exercise to be healthy, knowing which component you may be lacking in can help you regain complete health. Similarly, if you can recognize which component you may be lacking in, then you can compensate accordingly.

Components in Detail

Spirituality --- Intuition of your Spirit and Connection with Allahﷺ

“So, remember me and I will remember you” [Quran, 2:152]
“Indeed, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.” [Quran, 13:28]

This component involves a continual journey of self-improvement and seeking closeness to Allah through meditation and reflection. This aspect encourages an inner transformation that aligns one's heart and actions with divine guidance, fostering a profound personal connection with the Creator.

Iman – The Influence of the Six Pillars of Iman on Your Everyday Life

Practice – The Application of Your Beliefs: Prayer and Discipline

Ethics – Adherence to Islamic Moral Principles

Love – Compassion and Care for Your Family and Community

Muhammad – Knowledge of and Love for Prophet Muhammad

This component consists of belief in six essential elements: Allah, His angels, His revealed books, His messengers, the Day of Judgment, and divine decree (both the good and the bad). These pillars form the foundation of a Muslim's worldview, influencing everyday decisions, moral integrity, and personal resilience against life's challenges. They encourage a life lived with purpose, guided by the eternal truths of the Quran and the Sunnah.

This component focuses on deepening your knowledge and love for Prophet Muhammad and in this way appreciating the mercy of Allah. Engaging with the Hadiths—his sayings and actions—and the Seerah—his detailed biography— allows us to embody his virtues of humility, patience, and mercy. Embracing and following his Sunnah fosters a closer connection to him, helping us perfect our character and thereby draw nearer to Allah swt.

This component evaluates practical and behavioral application of Islam in your daily life. The consistent practice of rituals such as the five daily prayers, fasting, and charity reinforces faith and discipline, serving as practical manifestations of a Muslim’s commitment to their beliefs.

This component entails developing a deep sense of compassion and care for both your family and the wider community. Acting with justice and kindness, supporting the needy, and engaging in community service are all reflective of the prophetic teaching that the best among people are those who are most beneficial to others. This approach not only strengthens ties within the community but also embodies the Islamic principle of selfless service.

"Righteousness is not in turning your faces towards the east or the west. Rather, the righteous are those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Books, and the prophets; who give charity out of their cherished wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, ˹needy˺ travellers, beggars, and for freeing captives; who establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and keep the pledges they make; and who are patient in times of suffering, adversity, and in ˹the heat of˺ battle. It is they who are true ˹in faith˺, and it is they who are mindful ˹of Allah˺." [Quran, 2:177]
“We have sent you, [O Muhammad], only as a mercy to the worlds.” [Quran, 21:107]
“And those who carefully observe their prayer, they will be in Gardens, honored” [Quran 70: 34-35]
"None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." [Bukhari and Muslim]
“The ˹true˺ servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth humbly, and when the foolish address them [harshly], they only respond with peace.” [Quran 26:63]

This component entails a commitment to living according to Islamic moral principles, which govern interactions with others, fair business practices, and personal conduct. These principles emphasize honesty, integrity, and responsibility, shaping a Muslim's life in accordance with the values of justice and benevolence as prescribed by Allah swt.

Self Evaluation

Use these questions as a guide to assess your religious state and determine the component you need to work on

Spirituality --- Intuition of your Spirit and Connection with Allahﷺ

Iman – The Influence of the Six Pillars of Iman on Your Everyday Life

Muhammad – Knowledge of and Love for Prophet Muhammad

Practice – The Application of Your Beliefs: Prayer and Discipline

Love – Compassion and Care for Your Family and Community

Ethics – Adherence to Islamic Moral Principles

  1. How often do you read the words of Allah (Quran)?

  2. How often do you think of the one who is always watching

  3. How often do you thank the bestower of gifts

  4. How often are you grateful of his provisions, your rizq

  5. How often are you accepting of his tribulations

  6. How much trust do you place on your lord?

  7. How often do you wonder of his approval

  8. How often do you tie back the events of your life with him

  9. How often do you reflect upon his creation

  1. How deeply do you believe in Allah, and how does this belief shape your actions?

  2. How much do you respect and honor the angels as part of the unseen?

  3. How frequently do you engage with the Quran and accept it as the true word of Allah?

  4. How closely do you follow the teachings and examples of the messengers, especially Muhammad SAW?

  5. How conscious are you of the Day of Judgment and its implications on your daily life?

  6. How fully do you accept the divine decree (Qadr), both the good and the bad, as part of Allah's plan?

  1. How often do you read about the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad?

  2. How much effort do you put into understanding the Hadiths and applying them in your life?

  3. How frequently do you invoke blessings upon the Prophet (salawat)?

  4. How does the character of the Prophet influence your interactions with others?

  5. How often do you seek to learn something new about the Prophet’s life and teachings?

  6. How committed are you to embodying the Sunnah in everyday actions?

  1. How punctual are you with the prescribed prayers?

  2. Are you neglecting any prayers?

  3. How deep is your focus during salah?

  4. How consistently do you set and adhere to your daily or weekly goals?

  5. How disciplined are you in managing your time effectively to balance work, leisure, and responsibilities?

  6. How often do you allocate time for reading and understanding the Quran each day?

  7. What efforts do you make to avoid sins and bad habits that distance you from Allah?

  8. How rigorously do you maintain the purity of your speech, avoiding gossip and slander?

  9. How committed are you to learning and applying Islamic knowledge regularly?

  10. In times of anger or frustration, how effectively do you practice patience and restraint?

  11. How determined are you in waking up for Fajr prayer and engaging in the morning dhikr?

  12. How often do you review and adjust your goals to ensure they align with Islamic values?

  13. What measures do you take to ensure modesty in both your dress and your behavior?

  1. How often do you express love and kindness to your family?

  2. How active are you in community service and helping those in need?

  3. Do you strive to resolve conflicts with compassion and fairness?

  4. How frequently do you engage in acts of charity?

  5. Do you feel that volunteering is an essential part of your life?

  6. Would you say Islam motivates your acts of service?

  7. How often do you attend events at the mosque?

  8. How attached do you feel to your local muslim community?

  1. How consistently do you practice honesty in your dealings?

  2. Are you conscious of ethical consumption and avoiding what is haram?

  3. How do you ensure fairness in your interactions, both in personal and professional spheres?

  4. How vigilant are you against injustice and do you stand up against it?

  5. How often do you self-reflect on your actions to align them with Islamic ethics?

Our "Refresh" guide and questions were inspired by religiosity research provided by Yaqeen Institute.

For more context, watch the Following youtube video by Dr. Omar Suleiman: "Becoming the Best Version of Yourself". Here, Dr. Suleiman instructs believers to hold oneself accountable and challenge their abilities of self reflection in the pursuit of purification.